I am a seasoned email copywriter and funnel strategist with a passion for crafting compelling email sequences and optimizing conversion funnels

Email Copywriting

With a talent for turning complex ideas into simple, yet persuasive language, I specialize in crafting engaging copy that motivates your audience to take action.

Specialized in creating engaging, click-worthy email sequences that resonate with the target audience and drive action.

Funnel Strategy

Looking to generate more leads and increase sales?

I will design and optimize a conversion funnel that aligns with your business goals and maximizes your ROI.

With a data-driven approach and in-depth analysis, I'll guide your audience from initial interest to final conversion, delivering measurable results. Whether you're a startup or an enterprise, I can help you achieve consistent growth.



Handled cold outreach email campaign for a domain reseller company, helped them sold 2 domains with a whooping profite of 200%.

I did the market research, email validation, emails sequence, follow up and strategic planning for them.


Worked with an Instagram Influencer with 100K followers. Helped him launched his high ticket offer and took him from 0 to $10,000 in 2 months.

Everything from building the lead magnet, helping him with low ticket offer, high ticket offer, writing email sequence, designing funnel.

Wanderlust Adventures

Designed a landing page for a travel company that showcased stunning imagery and easy-to-use navigation, improving CTR, and leading to a 40% increase in bookings.

ElitePro Services

Wrote web copy for a B2B service company that positioned them as a thought leader in their industry, leading to increased credibility and a 25% increase in lead generation.


Welcome Sequence

Elevate your brand from the first interaction. Crafted with precision, my welcome email sequences are not just greetings; they're the opening notes of a symphony, captivating your audience and setting the stage for an unforgettable brand journey.

Abandon Cart Sequence

Transform lost opportunities into conversions. My abandoned cart sequences are a strategic blend of urgency and persuasion, rekindling interest and guiding potential clients back to complete their purchase, ensuring no potential revenue slips through the cracks.

List Management

Navigate the complexities of audience engagement effortlessly. My list management services go beyond mere numbers; I will curate, segment, and optimize your lists, ensuring targeted communication that resonates, fostering stronger connections and maximizing the impact of your campaigns.

Funnel Strategy

Revolutionize your digital presence with a bespoke funnel strategy. From awareness to conversion, my strategic funnel designs are meticulously crafted to guide your audience seamlessly through each stage, creating a streamlined user experience that transforms casual visitors into committed clients.


"He took the time to understand our brand voice and message, and delivered website copy and product descriptions that exceeded our expectations."

John Smith

CEO at TechSavant Solutions

"Gagan helped us develop a comprehensive digital marketing plan that has increased our online visibility and helped us reach new audiences."

Mio Drage

CMO at HUE Colrs

"Gagan's expertise in copywriting helped us achieve record-breaking results. His ability to capture the essence of our brand through words is unmatched."

Robert Taylor

COO at 1st Company

"Gagan's expertise in copywriting helped us achieve record-breaking results. His ability to capture the essence of our brand through words is unmatched."

Karen Smith

Marketing Director at Drumz


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